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This is a large repository for songs.  We have selected songs based on quarterly themes on the other SING pages, but these are here (with links to videos and lyrics) for your convenience and use.  


1.  A common love

2.  Above all else

3.  Ain’t no Rock

4.  All in All

5.  As the deer

6.  Awesome God

7.  Be still and know

8.  Bind us together

9.  Blue skies and rainbows

10. Break my heart

11. Clap, Clap Your hands

12. Come, Now is the time to worship

13. Day by Day, you reveal your love to me

14. Days of Elijah

15. Faithful Love

16. Father God (may my steps be worship)

17. Father I adore you

18. Firm foundation

19. For all that you’ve done I will thank you

20. Get right Church

21. Glorify Thy Name

22. Good to me

23. Have you seen Jesus my Lord

24. He has made me glad

25. He is able

26. Hide me Away, O Lord

27. Highest Place

28. Holy Lord

29. Hosanna

30. How deep the Father’s Love

31. Humble yourself

32. I Am (Light of day...)

33. I Cry out

34. I exalt Thee

35. I love the Lord Messiah

36. I love you Lord

37. I Stand in Awe

38. I want Jesus to walk with me

39. I want to know Christ

40. I will call upon the Lord

41. I will never be the same again

42. I will serve you

43. Instruments of your peace

44. Into your courts

45. It only takes a spark (Pass it on)

46. Jesus is Able

47. Jesus is Lord

48. Jesus, Let us come to Know you

49. Jesus, Name above of all names

50. King of Kings and Lord of Lords

51. Kumbayah

52. Let us Worship

53. Let your Spirit come

54. Light the fire

55. Listen to our hearts

56. Lord I lift your name on high

57. Lord Listen to your children praying

58. Lord my desire

59. Lord Reign in Me

60. Lord the people praise you

61. Lord, be there for me when I fall

62. Make me a servant

63. Marvelous things

64. My Eyes are dry

65. My God Reigns (There’s nowhere

else that I’d rather be...)

66. My only hope is you Jesus

67. Oh I was made for this

68. Oh Lord our Lord How majestic is Your Name

69. Oh Lord You’re beautiful

70. On Bended Knee

71. Our God Reigns

72. Pierce my Ear

73. Rejoice in the Lord Always

74. Restore my spirit Lord

75. Sanctuary

76. Seek Ye First

77. Shout Hallelujah

78. Sing Hallelujah to the Lord

79. Someday

80. Soon and very soon

81. Step by Step

82. Take Control

83. Take my life (Holiness...)

84. Tears of the Lamb

85. Thank you Lord for loving me

86. The battle belongs to the Lord

87. The Greatest Commands

88. The Reason I live in this world

89. The steadfast love of the Lord

90. There is a redeemer

91. There’s a stirring

92. This is day

93. Unto Thee oh Lord

94. We are standing on Holy Ground

95. We bow down

96. We exalt thee

97. We will glorify the King of Kings

98. What a mighty God we serve

99. You are the song that I sing

100. Your love is Amazing (Hallelujah)


Song numbers correspond to  The Songs of Faith and Praise,  Alton H. Howard (1994/1998).

1. A Wonderful Savior (#508)

2. Abide with me (#808)

3. Alas and did my savior bleed (#324)

4. All hail the power of Jesus name (#145)

5. All to Jesus I surrender (#662)

6. Amazing Grace (#129)

7. Be still my soul (#689)

8. Be thou my vision

9. Be with me Lord (#778)

10. Because He lives (#464)

11. Blessed assurance Jesus is Mine (#480)

12. Blest be the tie that binds (#711)

13. Come let us all unite to sing (#121)

14. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (#226)

15. Come we that love the Lord (#869)

16. Count your blessings (#742)

17. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (#770)

18. Did you think to pray? (#848)

19. Doxology (#66)

20. Emmanuel, Emmanuel (#164)

21. Fairest Lord Jesus (#288)

22. Faith is the victory (#469)

23. Father hear the prayer we offer (#777)

24. For the Beauty of the Earth (#67)

25. Freely, Freely (#635)

26. Gentle Shepherd (#845)

27. God be with you till we meet again (#755)

28. God is the Fountain Whence (#117)

29. Great is thy faithfulness (#57)

30. Guide me oh thou Great Jehovah (#390)

31. Hallelujah Praise Jehovah (#3)

32. Hallelujah What a Savior (#337)

33. Have thine own way Lord (#552)

34. He gave me a song (#608)

35. He lives (#346)

36. He’s my king (#166)

37. Heavenly Sunlight (#611)

38. Holy, Holy, Holy (#47)

39. How Firm A Foundation (#457)

40. How Great thou art (#76)

41. I come to the garden alone (#595)

42. I have decided to follow Jesus (#674)

43. I need thee every hour (#837)

44. I walk with the King (#550)

45. I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (#609)

46. In Heavenly Love Abiding (#139)

47. In loving kindness Jesus came (#504)

48. It is well with my soul (#490)

49. Jesus is coming soon (#712)

50. Jesus Keep me near the cross (#383)

51. Jesus, Lover of my soul (#807)

52. Just as I am (#924)

53. Lead me gently home father (#823)

54. Living by Faith (#560)

55. Lord we come before thee now (#797)

56. Love Lifted me (#453)

57. Love one another (Angry Words) (#719)

58. Master the Tempest is Raging (#189)

59. More love to Thee o Christ (#700)

60. My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (#538)

61. My Jesus I love Thee (#701)

62. Nearer my God to thee (#684)

63. Nearer still nearer (#478)

64. Nothing but the blood (#902)

65. Now the day is over (#795)

66. Oh How I love Jesus (#574)

67. Oh Sacred Head (#318)

68. On Zion’s Glorious Summit (#227)

69. Open my eyes that I may see (#830)

70. Our God He is Alive (#23)

71. Ring out the Message (#622)

72. Send the Light (#650)

73. Sing to me of heaven (#716)

74. Softly and tenderly (#934)

75. Sweet Hour of Prayer (#827)

76. Sweet Will of God (#822)

77. Take time to be Holy (#731)

78. Teach me thy way Oh Lord (#762)

79. Ten Thousand Angels (#349)

80. The Glory Land Way (#535)

81. The Lord’s My Shepherd (#393)

82. The Old Rugged Cross (#313)

83. There is a Balm in Gilead (#961)

84. There is a habitation (#860)

85. There is Power in the Blood (#903)

86. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus (#674)

87. Trust and Obey (#915)

88. Victory in Jesus (#470)

89. We Praise thee Oh God (#2)

90. We’re marching to Zion (#869)

91. What a friend we have in Jesus (#800)

92. When I survey the wondrous cross (#315)

93. When my love to Christ Grows weak (#350)

94. When the Roll is Called up Yonder (#852)

95. When we all get to heaven (#853)

96. Why did my savior come to earth? (#382)

97. Will you not tell it today? (#628)

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